Integrative Medicine
Aspergillus niger-derived Prolyl Endoprotease Improves Gluten Degradation
A prolyl endoprotease derived from Aspergillus niger has been shown to be capable of degrading gluten at the level of the stomach from both low- and high-calorie meals, minimizing duodenal and small intestine exposure to gluten. The use the prolyl endoprotease enzyme lowered α-gliadin concentration in the stomach and duodenum and absolute α-gliadin exposure in the duodenum over 240 minutes after consumption of a gluten-containing meal.
The Safety of Yoga
These authors performed a systematic review of the literature to ascertain the safety of yoga and found that yoga is not associated with an increased frequency of nonserious or serious adverse events compared with usual care or exercise.
Ten Weeks of Yoga Improves Symptomatology in Women with PTSD
A 10-week “trauma-informed” yoga practice, more than health education classes, aided women with chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD.
Electroacupuncture for Hot Flashes Among Breast Cancer Survivors
Electroacupuncture produces a greater placebo effect than oral medication when attempting to treat hot flashes in breast cancer survivors.
Spice is Nice
The habitual consumption of spicy foods is associated with reduced mortality independent of other risk factors for death.
N-acetylcysteine as Adjunctive Therapy for Therapy-resistant Tobacco Use Disorder
Tobacco cessation programs have variable success rates and often employ the use of multiple strategies, including behavioral counseling and pharmaceutical treatments. This study investigates the use of N-acetylcysteine in combination with group behavioral therapy as a treatment for tobacco use disorder resistant to first-line smoking cessation treatments.
Omega-3s for the AREDS2 Cohort Are Not Beneficial for Preventing Cognitive Decline
A sub-analysis of the AREDS2 randomized, controlled trial that involved supplemental omega-3 fatty acids failed to find benefit on cognitive function over 5 years.
Integrative Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Botanical Supplements
This review will focus exclusively on the role of botanicals for treating type 2 diabetes mellitus. Only recently have rigorous research methods been applied to the study of botanical remedies.
Music for Postoperative Pain
Music, irrespective of type and timing, improves recovery from surgical procedures based on this meta-analysis.
Preventing Adolescent Metabolic Syndrome: A Lesson from Finland
Adolescent metabolic syndrome predicts type 2 diabetes mellitus and subclinical atherosclerosis in adulthood. This Finish study found that repeated infancy-onset dietary intervention primarily aimed at reducing intake of saturated fat from infancy to early adulthood was effective in preventing adolescent metabolic syndrome.