Integrative Medicine
The Pitfalls of Herbal Viagra
Be wary of and avoid over-the-counter products that claim to boost libido and sexual function, particularly for erectile dysfunction, which are often of spurious quality and contaminated with PDE-5 analogues.
Alexander Technique, Acupuncture, or Routine Care for Chronic Neck Pain
Alexander Technique lessons or acupuncture sessions for people with chronic neck pain led to greater decreases in neck pain and disability and a more significant increase in self-efficacy than normal care at 12 months.
Individualized Homeopathy for Moderate to Severe Depression in Menopausal Women
A higher risk of depressive symptoms has been observed in the menopausal transition period. Antidepressant medications are often recommended; however, many meta-analyses have only shown modest benefit of such medications over placebo. This study compares individual homeopathic treatment vs. placebo and the antidepressant medication fluoxetine vs. placebo for the treatment of moderate to severe depression in peri- and postmenopausal women.
Fitness and Cognition in the Elderly
ABSTRACT & COMMENTARY: Peak levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are positively correlated with enhanced cognitive function among older adults.
Low Back Pain Best Prevented with Exercise and Education
In a meta-analysis of studies on preventing low back pain, researchers found a combination of exercise and education were the most likely interventions to prevent recurrence of this potentially debilitating condition.
Integrative Approaches to Alzheimer’s Disease
The medical community had warning. “Dementia in the Elderly: The Silent Epidemic,” a 1982 Annals of Internal Medicine landmark article, looked at the “greying of America” and noted one natural consequence of longer life span would be an explosive impact on the prevalence of dementia. Indeed, the epidemic has come — not only in the United States, but also globally, with dementia affecting an estimated 46 million people worldwide in 2015 and projected to affect 131 million by 2050.
Mind Over (Back Pain) Matter: An RCT
Mindfulness meditation training led to greater short-term function and less pain in adults with chronic low back pain when compared to a control group receiving only educational sessions.
Prenatal Exercise for Pregnancy-induced Hypertension and Weight Gain
Regular exercise throughout pregnancy wards off hypertension and excessive gestational weight gain without increasing the incidence of low birthweight infants.
Potatoes Increase Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Potato consumption, particularly in the form of French fries, is strongly correlated with the development of type 2 diabetes.
Perils of High-dose Vitamin D Supplementation
Bischoff-Ferrari H, et al. Monthly high-dose vitamin D treatment for the prevention of functional decline. JAMA Intern Med 2016; doi:10.1001.