Integrative Medicine
Biofeedback for Treatment of Chronic Insomnia
September 1998; Volume 1: 103-106 -
Appropriateness of Chiropractic Treatment
September 1998; Volume 1: 107-108 -
A Review of Unconventional Cancer Therapies
September 1998; Volume 1: 108 -
Homeopathic Preparations for Treatment of Seasonal Allergies
September 1998; Volume 1: 99-103 -
Homeopathy for Allergies Gets Mixed Popular Press Reviews
Ginkgo Biloba and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
September 1998; Volume 1: 107 -
Lovastatin Prevents Coronary Artery Disease in "Low Risk" Patients
Effects of Dietary Protein Restriction on the Rate of Decline in Renal Function
Effects of Passive Smoke on Blood Vessels
Naratriptan Tablets: A New Triptan for Migraine