Integrative Medicine
L-Carnitine for Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, a
July 1999; Volume 2: 76-78 -
Yohimbine for the Treatment of Impotence
July 1999; Volume 2: 78-81 -
Full July Issue In PDF
Lysine for the Prevention and Treatment of Cutaneous Herpes Simplex Infections
July 1999; Volume 2: 73-76 -
Clinical Briefs
July 1999; Volume 2: 82-84 -
Travel Advisories
Full June 28th Issue In PDF
Guided Imagery as Supportive Therapy in Cancer Treatment
June 1999; Volume 2: 61-64 -
Chaste Tree Berry for Premenstrual Syndrome
June 1999; Volume 2: 64-67 -
Full June Issue In PDF