Integrative Medicine
An ‘Ounce of Prevention’ May Keep Off Pounds
Specific self-regulation techniques are shown to be effective at preventing weight gain in young adults.
Is Yoga Effective for Treating Asthma?
Although the data on yoga in asthma are only of moderate quality, they do suggest that yoga may improve quality of life and asthma symptoms.
How Much More Physical Activity Helps Patients Avoid Chronic Diseases?
Higher levels of total physical activity are strongly associated with lower risk of five common chronic diseases: breast and bowel cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
Self-Administered Acupressure Beneficial in Treating Persistent Cancer-Related Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors
Two different types of self-administered acupressure techniques were significant in reducing persistent cancer-related fatigue compared with standard of care, but only relaxing acupressure affected quality of sleep and life.
Changing Gut Microbiota to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
The long-term consumption of a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet or low-fat/high complex carbohydrate diets, may exert a protective effect on the development of type 2 diabetes by changing the gut microbiota, increasing the abundance of Roseburia genera and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, respectively.
An RCT Looking at the Effects of Panax ginseng and Ginkgo biloba
Cognitive improvement in women after treatment with Ginkgo biloba may be mediated by changes in cardiovascular reactivity.
Leading Causes of CAM Nondisclosure
More than 40% of patients report nondisclosure of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM; also known as integrative medicine treatments) to their primary care physicians. They cite failure of physicians to initiate conversation on CAM, coupled with a belief that physicians do not need to know about CAM usage, as key factors in nondisclosure, according to patient survey.
Calcium Supplementation and Increased Dementia Risk
In this five-year observational study, women who were taking calcium supplementation and who had pre-existing cerebrovascular disease were at higher risk of dementia than women not taking extra calcium.
Peer-led Mindfulness Meditation Program for Medical Students
This pilot study shows that a peer-led mindfulness program during medical school enhances self-compassion, altruism, and mental wellness and decreases levels of stress.
Liver Enzymes, Triglycerides, and Cholesterol Improved in Individuals with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis with Artichoke Leaf Extract
In this randomized, double-blind study, patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis who received 2,700 mg of artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymus) or placebo daily for two months had a significant improvement in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, as well as triglycerides and total cholesterol compared to the placebo group.