Integrative Medicine
Clincal Briefs
ECG Review-Any Marriages in the Tachycardia?
Addition of Alendronate to Ongoing HRT in the Treatment of Osteoporosis: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Using the Berlin Questionnaire to Identify Patients at Risk for Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Name-Based Reporting for HIV
Full February 15, 2000 Issue in PDF
Stevia as a Natural Sweetener, Hypoglycemic, and Antihypertensive
February 2000; Volume 3: 13-17 -
Black Cohosh for the Treatment of Perimenopausal and Menopausal Symptoms
February 2000; Volume 3: 17-19 -
Biofeedback as a Treatment for Migraine
February 2000; Volume 3: 20-22 -
Supplements for Degenerative Joint Disease
February 2000; Volume 3: 23-24