Integrative Medicine
Full June 5, 2000 Issue in PDF
Ful May 8, 2000 Issue in PDF
Bioterrorism: What the Primary Care Physician Needs to Know
Bromelain for Ulcerative Colitis
July 2000; Volume 3; 84Clinician Fact Sheet: Medicinal Foods
July 2000; Volume 3; s1-s2Alpha-Lipoic Acid for the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy
July 2000; Volume 3; 73-77Alternative therapies popular among diabetic patients
July 2000; Volume 3; 75Can Stinging Nettles Take the Sting out of Hay Fever?
July 2000; Volume 3; 77-79American Ginseng for Postprandial Glycemia
July 2000; Volume 3; 83Permanent Magnets for Low Back Pain
July 2000; Volume 3; 83-84