Integrative Medicine
Caring for Providers: Mindfulness for Healthcare Practitioners
A review of studies regarding brief mindfulness interventions for healthcare providers found an association with improved measures of provider well-being and no evidence of behavioral changes.
Acupuncture and Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Migraine
Individuals suffering with migraine often use complementary and integrative therapies to treat migraine symptoms. Acupuncture has moderate evidence in reducing the frequency of migraine attacks, and neuromodulation is a promising treatment on the horizon for those suffering with migraine.
Capsaicin for Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
An 8% capsaicin patch relieves pain and improves sleep in patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Helping Women at Risk for Breast Cancer to Exercise More and Lose Weight
A web- and phone-based intervention led to significant weight loss and a modest increase in moderate-to-vigorous activity in women at risk of breast cancer.
High-intensity Interval Training in Older and Younger Adults
High-intensity interval training performed over 12 weeks reversed age-related differences of mitochondrial proteins in adults 65 to 80 years of age, as well as increased insulin sensitivity and VO2 peak, and decreased fat free mass in adults 18 to 30 years of age and 65 to 80 years of age.
Active Children: Do Higher Levels of Activity Help Prevent Depression?
This prospective study found moderate to vigorous physical activity in early childhood correlated with a decreased number of depressive symptoms in later years.
Prevalence of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Indigenous South American Tsimané
Tsimané, a population living in the Bolivian Amazon, have the lowest prevalence of coronary artery disease among any population studied; individuals ≥ 40 years of age have mean low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein of 91 mg/dL and 39.5 mg/dL, respectively, despite a high inflammatory burden from parasites and pathogens.
Yoga for Lumbago?
A review of randomized, controlled trials of treatments for chronic non-specific, low back pain revealed that yoga provides improvements in back-related function compared to non-exercise controls at intermediate time points, and in pain scores in the short term. Also, yoga seems to be comparable to exercise interventions, although the quality of evidence was low enough to preclude us from knowing for sure.
Saffron and Depression: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go?
Saffron studies, while still preliminary, show potential for use of this ancient spice in combatting mild-moderate depression.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain
Low back pain and functional limitation scores in adults with chronic low back pain improved among those randomly assigned to receive either cognitive behavioral therapy or mindfulness-based stress reduction interventions when compared to usual care.