Integrative Medicine
Community-Based Lifestyle Intervention in the Black Church: The FAITH Trial
A therapeutic lifestyle change intervention delivered in churches led to a significantly greater reduction in systolic blood pressure in hypertensive blacks than health education alone.
Mind-Body Techniques May Enhance Cognitive Fitness in Older Adults
A meta-analysis regarding mind-body techniques and cognitive fitness in older adults points to enhanced cognitive performance associated with mind-body interventions in older persons — especially those without preexisting cognitive decline.
Yoga for Memory
The authors of this small pilot study showed that a six-week yoga class led to benefits in working memory and mindfulness.
Eating Blue for Your Gray Matter: A Review of Blueberries and Cognitive Function
Healthy older adults, as well as those with subjective cognitive impairment or meeting criteria for mild cognitive impairment, could consider including blueberries as part of a Mediterranean-like diet to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
Not Just Bulk: Dietary Fiber Crucial to Good Health
Dietary fiber is crucial to maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. The microbiome helps determine our mental and physical health in ways that continue to be discovered.
Late Sunsets, Sleep Deprivation, and Adverse Outcomes
All living organisms have 24-hour circadian rhythms. A body of evidence is accumulating that chronic disruption of this important rhythm may result in poor health outcomes. These negative consequences of disrupted circadian rhythms might be prevented by modifying work and sleep schedules.
Attitudes Among Individuals Following Vegan, Vegetarian, and Omnivore Diets and Entomophagy (Insect Eating)
Insect consumption may be a solution to resource-intensive animal meat production in the future as global dietary protein demands increase. However, attitudes regarding insect consumption are not well understood.
Preventing Injurious Falls With Tai Ji Quan or Exercise in At-Risk Populations
In this three-arm study, a therapeutic form of Tai ji quan is superior to either a multimodal exercise or a stretching program in reducing severe injurious falls among at-risk older, community-dwelling Americans.
Diet and Global Mortality
Worldwide, there are alarming trends in unhealthy eating habits, which account for significant morbidity and mortality.
Social Media Use and Depression in Teens
These investigators noted a correlation between adolescent social media use and depressive symptoms, online harassment, poor sleep, low self-esteem, and poor body image. However, causality could not be determined.