Integrative Medicine
Acupuncture and Female Infertility
Acupuncture and female infertility. Altern Med Alert 2005;8(suppl):S1-S2. -
Full April 2005 Issue in PDF
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Male Infertility
Schiff E. Acupuncture for the treatment of male infertility. Altern Med Alert 2005;8(4):37-41. -
Peppermint Oil for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Kiefer D. Peppermint oil for irritable bowel syndrome. Altern Med Alert 2005;8(4):43-46. -
Life Expectancy and the 21st Century
Greenfield RH. Life expectancy and the 21st century. Altern Med Alert 2005;8(4):48. -
Protecting the Oldest of Old Bones
Use of risedronate in women 80 years and older reduced the incidence of vertebral fractures and was well tolerated. -
Anticoagulating the Elderly With Atrial Fib: How Low Should You Go?
Maintaining INRs (International normalized ratios) between 2 and 3 is safer than INRs below 2, as suggested by some guidelines. -
Fecal DNA vs Fecal Occult Blood For Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Average Risk Population
Most neoplastic lesions are not detected either by Hemoccult screening or by multitarget analysis of fecal DNA. Nevertheless, the fecal DNA analysis was significantly more efficient than Hemoccult testing. -
Pharmacology Watch - Hypertension: Therapy vs Calcium Channel Antagonists
Pharmacotherapy of hypertension has been much in the news in the last 2 months. Standard therapies such as atenolol have been challenged, while calcium channel antagonists may be making a comeback. -
Atenolol For Hypertension
Atenolol is unsuitable as a first-line drug in hypertension.