Udani J, Spar M. Natural immunomodulators for the treatment of cancer. Altern Med Alert 2002;5(10):117-120.
Ramalanjaon G. Huperizine A for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Altern Med Alert 2002;5(10):120-122.
La Puma J. Antioxidants and Alzheimer's disease: The Rotterdam study. Altern Med Alert 2002;5(10):123-124.
La Puma J. Antioxidants and Alzheimer's disease: The Rush study. Altern Med Alert 2002;5(10):123.
Expanding upon their earlier study that demonstrated that spouses of hypertensive patients are more likely to be hypertensive themselves, these British researchers studied couples to determine whether other illnesses exhibited the same association.
Among patients being evaluated for chronic cough, women are more sensitive than men to inhalation of tussive agents.
GlaxoSmithKline is expected to launch a new drug for benign prostatic hypertrophy in December. Dutasteride is a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor, which was previously approved in November 2001 but not launched.
Debate over the cardiovascular effects of COX-2 inhibitors has raged
for more than a year since a special communication was published in
JAMA last August suggesting an increase in cardiovascular events with
rofecoxib (Vioxx). Now a large retrospect, the cohort study from the
Tennessee Medicaid program seems to confirm the prothrombotic effects
of rofecoxib, at least in high dose.