A variety of highly effective agents for primary insomnia are currently available including benzodiazepines, benzodiazepine receptor agonists, and other classes. Agents that impact the benzodiazepine receptors (i.e., either benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine receptor agonists) are controlled substances and have occasional problematic issues such as misuse, diversion, cognitive clouding, and rebound upon withdrawal.
A significant portion of patients with irritable bowel syndrome will test positive for celiac disease.
Correlation of 6 different immunochemical qualitative fecal occult blood tests with colonoscopy findings showed wide variation in diagnostic performance.
Weight management issues continue to be problematic for persons with type 2 diabetes.
The ECG above was obtained from a 62-year-old man with hypertension who was being seen in the office. How would you interpret this tracing if he had told you of some chest discomfort that he felt for the first time earlier that morning?
Advancing age was inversely related to the frequency of colorectal cancer screening, but even severe comorbidity did not seem to proportionally decrease colorectal cancer screening.
The FDA has approved a new drug combination for acute, uncomplicated malaria infection.
NSAIDs in the elderly; managing GI and CVD risk with NSAIDs; low-dose naltrexone and fibromyalgia; treating glucocorticoid-induced bone loss; FDA Actions.