Integrative Medicine
Vitamin D and COVID-19
Low levels of vitamin D are associated with in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-19, but causality is not yet known.
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Duration Is Predictive of Life Expectancy
Total sleep duration declines with older age, as does the fraction of sleep spent in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The decline in REM is associated with increasing mortality, but it is unclear if this is a cause or a marker of declining health and declining brain function.
Cannabis Use and Associated Health Conditions in Primary Care: An EHR Review
This cross-sectional review of 185,565 patients’ medical records revealed documentation of medicinal cannabis use in 2% of the records. Within this subgroup, 44.5% had documentation of one or more health conditions potentially benefitting from treatment with cannabis, 54.4% had documentation of one or more health conditions potentially worsening with cannabis use, and 36.6% had both types of health conditions.
Why Exercise Alone Does Not Result in Fat Loss
To lose body fat, a ketogenic weight loss diet must be combined with exercise.
Adverse Effects of Electronic Cigarettes on the Disease-Naïve Oral Microbiome
A robust metagenomic comparison study of the effects of electronic cigarettes on oral microbiomes suggested the unique aerosol component of electronic cigarettes poses increased risk to development of oral cavity disease.
Aftermath of COVID-19 in Adults
This review of investigations centered on long-term effects following acute COVID-19 illness in adults illustrates an evolving understanding of the aftermath of this viral infection.
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements for Cardiovascular Disease
A meta-analysis of systematic reviews and randomized, controlled trials to analyze the role of commonly used dietary supplements for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease suggests no significant effect on cardiovascular outcomes or all-cause mortality, although some B vitamins appear to reduce stroke incidence, and B3 appears to increase all-cause mortality.
Fermented Foods Help the Immune System, Alleviate Inflammation
A diet rich in fermented foods from dairy and other sources reduced 19 inflammatory markers compared with a high-fiber diet.
No Harm in a Morning Cup of Joe
Habitual coffee consumption was inversely associated with a lower risk of cardiac arrythmia.
‘Empowered Relief’ Approach Could Help Patients with Limited Time, Resources
Researchers offer one brief, blended skills-building session for low back pain management that might be cheaper and easier to access than other multisession options.