In women surviving to older ages, diet quality at midlife appears to be strongly associated with a greater likelihood of not having mental and physical limitations.
Colicky children given probioitics had more fussing, as per sub-group analyses than children given placebo. In addition, probiotics did not affect the amount of time spent crying.
Breast cancer survivors participating in a 12-week yoga program reported decreased fatigue, increased vitality, and improved sleep on multiple scoring systems, but no impact on depressive symptoms. Increased time spent doing yoga led to greater improvements in inflammation, mood, and fatigue.
Investigators combined multiple meta-analyses to assess the relative effectiveness of drug therapy and exercise in reducing mortality from specific causes. Exercise produced a comparable or better effect for all causes.
In Part 1, the authors reviewed the clinical aspects of insulin dosing and titration for primary care physicians. In this section, the authors review new and emerging insulin products, the practical aspects of writing insulin prescriptions, delivery of insulin, and advanced insulin delivery systems (via pump and patch).
Osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT) during the third trimester appears to help prevent the progression of back pain and the loss of back functioning with time.
Two recent studies have found that concomitant use of prescription medications and dietary supplements is common.