Integrative Medicine Alert
Moderate-Intensity Exercise OK for Statin Users with Muscle Pain
The go-to drug therapy patients use to lower their bad cholesterol levels can cause muscle pain for some, but researchers found moderate exercise would not exacerbate that pain.
Prosocial vs. Self-Rewarding Behavior and Their Effects on Stress Recovery
Two randomized, controlled studies were created to examine the effects of giving gifts vs. receiving gifts after stressful situations. They both revealed the “giving” group reported recovering from stress faster, showing more happiness, showing less desire, and reporting no significant difference in relaxation compared to the “receiving” group and a control group.
The Connection Between Bereavement, Sleep, and Inflammation
This study of the association of sleep disturbance with more markers of inflammation in widows and widowers compared to controls revealed self-reported sleep disturbances are more strongly correlated with increased markers of inflammation in bereaved individuals.
Bone Density as a Dementia Risk Indicator
Researchers found some associations between bone density loss and a higher risk of developing dementia.
Mediterranean Diet Pairs Well with Immune Checkpoint Blockade
The popular healthy diet boosted response to unique cancer therapy among patients with advanced melanoma.
How Vitamin Intake Affects Migraine Prevalence
In a large population-based survey, 21.6% of participants reported having severe headaches or migraine. Those reporting severe headaches also reported a lower intake of thiamine and riboflavin, based on 24-hour recall of food intake. There also was an inverse relationship between thiamine intake and reports of severe headaches.
Vitamin D3, Omega-3, and Their Effects on Frailty in Older Patients
Data from a large, randomized trial that included 25,871 adults age 50 years or older indicated 2,000 daily units of vitamin D3 and 1 g daily of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation did not affect frailty.
Multivitamin-Mineral Supplementation vs. Cocoa Extract for Cognition
This large, randomized trial followed participants for three years and determined that daily use of a cocoa supplement was not associated with cognitive enhancement in older adults, whereas a multivitamin supplement was associated with significant cognitive benefits.
Considering Periodontal Disease as a Risk Factor of Cardiovascular Disease
Researchers used data from the 2013 to 2014 period of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to study possible connections between poor oral health and the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.
Considerations of Measuring Salt Intake
Those who rarely or never added salt to their food and strongly adhered to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet exhibited the lowest incidence of subsequent cardiovascular disease.