Jane Kang, MD, and Sharon Kolasinski, MD. Vitamin D and Osteoarthritis. Alter Med Alert. 20088:11;85-90.
O’Mathuna D. Rhodiola Rosea (Roseroot) for Generalized Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue. Alter Med Alert. 2008:11;73-75.
Keifer, D. The Mushroom Agaricus Blazei and Chronic Hepatitis B. Alter Med Alert. 2008:11;76-78.
O’Mathuna D. Climacteric Syndrome during Peri-menopause: Pycnogenol. (originally published in the March 2008 issue of Alternative Therapies in Women’s Health) Alter Med Alert. 2008:11;73-75.
Greenfield, RH. Sweet Sleep – Honey and Nighttime Cough. Alter Med Alert. 2008:11;81.
Greenfield, RH. In Vino Veritas – Resveratrol and Aging. Alter Med Alert. 2008:11;82.
Greenfield, RH. Get Moving – Exercise and Breast Cancer Risk. Alter Med Alert. 2008:11;83.
The successful treatment of General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) often requires a combination of a variety of modalities ranging from psychotherapy, behavior modification, pharmaceuticals, acupuncture, and/or mind-body techniques such as meditation or self-hypnosis.
The following article has two objectives: to provide clinically relevant information on the use of herbs in the treatment of breast cancer and to provide a context for their use. What follows is a distillation of some of the more effective botanicals, as well as some suggestions about how to use them in the setting of breast cancer.
Goal: To determine whether use of homeopathic remedies amongst pre-schoolers is associated with any change in the frequency of use of antibiotics in the same age group.
Kim YH. Health benefits of Tai Chi. 2008;11:53-56.
Greenfield RH. “When in China…” – Berberine and diabetes. 2008;11:57-58.
Greenfield RH. Ouch! Priorities and acute pancreatitis. 2008;11:58-59.
Greenfield RH. Stress, childhood illness and immunity. 2008;11:59-60.