This RCT compared acupuncture to venlafaxine for management of hot flashes in breast cancer patients. Both acupuncture and venlafaxine were given for 12 weeks, and then the subjects were followed. Both groups had improvements in their symptoms, but the venlafaxine group had side effects, and the acupuncture group did not.
Results of this small double-blind RCT suggest that neither magnetic nor copper bracelets have a place in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
This well-done trial compared a combination of mindfulness-based breathing therapy (MBBT) and training in the relaxation response with participation in group support for elderly subjects, almost all men, with moderate to severe COPD.
This engaging epidemiologic survey assessed microbial contamination of soda-fountain drinks, dispensed from nine different fountain machines, relative to current U.S. drinking water standards.
In the evening after work, and in a generally relaxed environment, subjects had their coronary flow velocities in the left anterior descending artery recorded by non-invasive transthoracic Doppler echocardiography, and coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) was calculated. CFVR was assessed at baseline and immediately following 30 minutes of lavender aromatherapy, as were serum cortisol levels.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal (GI) illness that is defined by symptoms of bloating, lower abdominal pain, and abnormal defecation patterns after evaluation excludes colitis or structural abnormalities as the cause.
The second part of this series reviews specific features of dietary intake that can influence fertility as well as overall general medical health.
Reflexology is an ancient therapy that has become popular in some health care settings. Its use with cancer patients arises from its reputation for reducing pain, relieving anxiety, and promoting relaxation.
More than 7% of married couples (2.1 million) in the united States are infertile. Defined as the failure to conceive after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse, infertility is a chronic health problem for young adults.
Early in 1992, two women in their 40s were treated for renal failure in a hospital in Brussels, Belgium. Both had been healthy and not recently taking any medications, although one had previously used a beta-agonist asthma inhaler for 8 years.