Infectious Disease
Monotherapy of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteremia — Which β-Lactam Antibiotic Is Best?
No significant difference in the mortality of patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia was seen regardless of treatment with a carbapenem, ceftazidime, or piperacillin-tazobactam. However, the emergence of resistance occurred significantly more frequently in those treated with a carbapenem — largely related to imipenem use.
Macrolides During Pregnancy — Behind the Headlines
Despite published concerns, there is no good evidence that macrolide use during pregnancy causes birth defects.
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Remdesivir and COVID-19
Remdesivir is safe and moderately effective in the treatment of patients with COVID-19.
CDC Updates Guidance on COVID-19 Transmission in Dental Settings
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated infection control guidelines for COVID-19 in dental settings, including new information on facility and equipment considerations and using test-based strategies to inform patient care.
Public Health Nurses Share Views on Vaccine Education
Debates on how to best respond to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable infections continue. Opinions about mandating vaccines, including if, how, and when, vary widely.
Sharply Divided (and Evolving) Views on Vaccine Refusers
As the world anxiously awaits a vaccine for COVID-19, an ethical debate rages over whether people should be allowed to refuse it.
CDC’s COVID-19 Guidelines on Going Out and Gathering Have Cautions and Caveats
Trying to strike a balance epidemiologically, and perhaps politically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued guidelines for people wanting to leave home and attend gatherings as COVID-19 cases generally have plateaued nationally.
A Nurse’s Story: Hospitalized with COVID-19
A highly experienced nurse knew to remain calm and turn her healing power inward as she fought COVID-19 in patient isolation for six long days in a hospital.
Mysterious Syndrome Strikes Children with COVID-19
Although the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) has been relatively benign in children compared to adults, there is growing concern about an emerging syndrome that causes severe, sometimes fatal, outcomes in pediatric patients.