Infectious Disease
Post-Exercise Premature Ventricular Contraction, or Aberrancy?
The ECG in the figure is a post-exercise tracing. There are four wider and slightly early occurring beats in the long lead rhythm strips. Are these beats premature ventricular contractions or premature atrial contractions conducted with aberration?
Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir Tablets (Paxlovid)
The FDA has issued an emergency use authorization for the first oral regimen for the treatment of COVID-19.
Incidence, Prevalence, and Long-Term Consequences of Small Fiber Neuropathy
Small fiber neuropathy (SFN) associated with diabetes and other causes is more likely to progress to large-fiber polyneuropathy, deteriorate faster, and cause worse disability vs. slow progression with idiopathic SFN.
Coronary CT Angiography in the General Population
Coronary artery CT angiography in asymptomatic, middle-aged subjects without known coronary artery disease showed coronary atherosclerosis is common but mostly mild and appears in women after a 10-year delay.
Fish Consumption, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease
Is there enough scientific evidence to suggest associations between fish consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease (or of mortality) among people who consume fish vs. those who do not?
Drinking More Coffee May Protect Against Cognitive Decline
Among adults older than age 60 years, heavier coffee consumption was associated with slower cognitive decline in executive function and less beta-amyloid accumulation.
FDA Authorizes Oral Antiviral for COVID-19
Clinicians add another valuable tool to their armamentarium.
First Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Receives FDA Approval
Researchers hope this long-acting solution every will boost PrEP adherence rates among those at risk for contracting HIV.
Biden to Send Military Aid to Struggling Hospitals, Millions of COVID-19 Tests to American Homes
The White House has announced its plan to respond to the omicron variant ahead of a possible winter case surge.
AAP Recommends Routine HIV Screening, Prevention for All Teens, At-Risk Youth
The organization advises pediatricians to create safe spaces that allow frank discussions of sensitive topics.