Infectious Disease
Social Isolation, Older Adults, and Mortality Post-ICU
Social isolation among older adults admitted to the ICU was associated with worse disability burden and higher one-year mortality rates after critical illness.
Consume Olive Oil, Live Longer
Consuming more olive oil was associated with lower cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Substituting margarine, butter, mayonnaise, and dairy fat with olive oil also was associated with lower mortality risk.
FDA Modifies Authorizations for COVID-19 Therapeutics
In the face of the omicron onslaught, certain once-reliable monoclonal antibodies are not as effective.
Should the Cath Lab Be Activated?
How should one interpret the ECG in the figure? Should the cardiac cath lab be activated on the basis of this ECG?
Sotrovimab Injection
In vitro neutralization data, artificial intelligence modeling, and anecdotal reports suggest sotrovimab is effective against the omicron variant while the efficacy of other monoclonal antibodies appears to wane.
SARS-CoV-2 as a North American Zoonosis
COVID-19 has become a North American zoonosis endemic in the Northeastern white-tailed deer population. Whether it causes symptomatic infection is unclear, but most infections likely are subclinical, with viral shedding in nasal secretions and feces. Now that infection has become established in this animal group, it likely will spread easily.
Using Honey to Treat Coughs
In a meta-analysis, researchers found honey alleviates cough for patients with upper respiratory infections.
Diet and the Risk of Dementia
This prospective cohort study demonstrated an association between a high inflammatory potential diet and increased risk for incident dementia.
In Addition to Vaccination, Can More Be Done to Prevent Severe COVID-19?
Using data for more than 1.2 million Americans who completed primary vaccination against COVID-19, severe disease outcomes were rare; however, vaccinated persons aged ≥ 65 years with immunosuppression or other underlying conditions were found to be at higher risk.
Using Breathing Techniques for Exertion and Anxiety During COVID Lockdowns
In a small prospective study comparing four breathing techniques, the maximum statistically significant effect on reduced perceived exertion during breath-holding is associated with a yoga breathing method called anulom vilom pranayama (alternate nostril breathing).