It comes as no surprise that when patients do not take their blood pressure (BP) medication, a lapse in BP control is anticipated. On the other hand, when a patient presents with an elevated BP and acknowledges omitted doses, it is difficult to be sure whether the observed elevation in BP is solely due to recent omissions, an underlying worsening of BP (requiring an augmentation rather than just simple restoration of treatment), rebound BP elevation, or some combination of these elements.
Clinical depression is highly prevalent in the general population and in primary care settings. Although clinicians presently have a broad array of pharmacological agents for the treatment of depression, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, overall response rates and remission rates with these pharmacological agents remain relatively modest.
The increasing sophistication of molecular tools is allowing for the discovery of all kinds of novel strains of bacteria; witness the multiple new strains of Rickettsia discovered around the world.
CDI can be a difficult-to-manage complication of antibiotic therapy. Although it is preferable to discontinue the inciting antibiotic when CDI occurs, this is not always possible given that many patients have serious infections, which require ongoing antibiotic therapy.
Two human cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchial epithelial cell lines and one CF human primary epithelial cell line in culture were treated with AZM at 10 µg/mL.
A retrospective review of pediatric malaria at a Washington, DC, children's hospital identified 98 cases over 8 years (1999-2006). Their mean age was 9.6 years.