Infectious Disease
Pioglitazone Improves Fibrosis Scores in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Patients With and Without Diabetes
In a meta-analysis of eight studies (five pioglitazone, three rosiglitazone) involving 516 patients with biopsy-proven nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, pioglitazone was found to improve fibrosis between six and 24 months.
Can Magnesium Cure Nocturnal Leg Cramps?
A small randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial demonstrated that oral magnesium oxide was not superior to placebo for older adults suffering from nocturnal leg cramps.
Antibiotic Stewardship: A Little Goes A Long Way
With antibiotic stewardship programs now critical to preserve fading drug efficacy, it’s good to know that even small efforts can yield considerable bang for the buck.
Ebola Outbreak Sustained by Superspreaders
Prior to the epic Ebola outbreak of 2014-2015, the prevailing dogma was that the virus was not a pandemic threat because it killed its victims too quickly to sustain itself in a prolonged outbreak. That myth was certainly exploded, and now we have one clue as to why: “superspreaders.”
The Joint Commission Will Cite for Powdered Gloves
As previously reported in Hospital Infection Control & Prevention, the FDA has banned1 the use of all powdered gloves in healthcare due to latex allergies and other issues.
IDSA Issues New Guidelines on Brain Infections
In new guidelines1 on healthcare-associated ventriculitis and meningitis following surgery, the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) calls for a collaborative approach to prevent and detect complex infections with a high percentage of adverse outcomes for patients.
Will Vaccine Critics Be Emboldened?
Beneath all the bombast of the current political climate, there is one issue that has gained relatively little national attention but is of great concern to public health advocates – a reenergized attack on vaccine safety. Longtime vaccine safety critic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and actor Robert DeNiro recently offered a $100,000 prize to anyone that can prove vaccines are safe.
ANA Prepares for Return of Ebola – or Anything Else
It seems like only yesterday — and we can certainly be thankful it wasn’t — that many U.S. hospitals and healthcare workers felt unprepared to deal with a potential incoming case of Ebola linked to the outbreak in Western Africa.
CDC: Zika Virus Will Hit U.S. Again as Weather Warms
Any hopes that Zika virus would strike and disappear like SARS and other episodic infectious disease outbreaks have been dashed by the CDC. Zika is fully expected be a mosquito-borne infection threat in the U.S. as the warmer months arrive, primarily in the form of a horrific panoply of birth defects to infants born to infected mothers.
Infectious Disease Alert Updates
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