Infectious Disease
Vaping and Severe Acute Pneumonitis
Hundreds of cases of lung injury possibly related to vaping have been reported to the CDC. Evidence to date suggests the illness is a form of acute lipoid pneumonia likely related to inhalation of lipid materials.
What Might Account for the ST-T Changes?
The ECG in the figure was obtained from a 65-year-old woman who presented with an exacerbation of heart failure. A medical history revealed she was taking multiple medications. The patient was dyspneic and complained about intermittent chest pain.
Pitolisant Tablets (Wakix)
Pitolisant should be prescribed to treat excessive daytime sleepiness in adult patients with narcolepsy.
When Did You Last Take an Antibiotic?
Approximately half of U.S. residents with health insurance filled an antibiotic prescription over a two-year period.
Risk of Neuropathy With Fluoroquinolones
As a class, fluoroquinolones are some of the most commonly used antibiotics worldwide. Their use carries a significant risk of neurotoxicity, for both the peripheral and central nervous system.
Neuropathy After Total Knee Arthroplasty
In a large series of cases from the Mayo Clinic, 54 cases of new neuropathy occurred in 14,450 total knee arthroplasties. Most were isolated peroneal neuropathies. No specific risk factors were identified.
NOACs vs. Warfarin: What Are the Data in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury and Intracranial Hemorrhage?
A three-year analysis of a prospectively maintained database with traumatic brain injury patients revealed that novel oral anticoagulant use is associated with increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage progression, neurosurgical intervention, and mortality.
Infectious Disease Alert Updates
Think You Don’t Smell? One-Fifth of Adults Have a Food Allergy
Acute Kidney Injury With Combination Antibiotics in the Critically Ill
In this retrospective study, a short course (24 to < 72 hours) of combination antibiotic therapy with piperacillin-tazobactam and vancomycin was not associated with an increased risk of acute kidney injury among critically ill patients when compared with other β-lactam and vancomycin combinations.
Cigarette Smoke Increases the Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus
In an experimental study, investigators found cigarette smoke increases the virulence of Staphylococcus aureus strains through several mechanisms, including augmented biofilm formation, increased invasion ability, and persistence within bronchial alveolar cells.