The following is a summary of selected abstracts from 3 meetings. The 43rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) met in Chicago September 14-17, 2003. The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) met in San Diego October 9-12, 2003. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene met in Philadelphia December 3-7, 2003.
The E. coli geneticists are working on ways to facilitate rapid diagnosis, and in time, to purge eae positive strains from bovine reservoirs.
Treponema pallidum strains resistant to azithromycin are prevalent in San Francisco, Seattle, Baltimore, and Dublin.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae may causally contribute to the development of asthma, as well as serve as a trigger for recurrent wheezing.
How would you interpret the 12-lead ECG shown in the Figure? What is distinctly unusual about this tracing? What would you ask the technician who recorded this tracing?
The FDA has approved the first once-a-week combined hormone therapy for postmenopausal symptoms.
This report by Song and colleagues used a validated food frequency questionnaire in 39,345 women from the Womens Health Study.
This report from multiple cooperating centers describes findings in 403 patients who presented with dysphagia and 140 patients with noncardiac chest pain and 44 patients with both symptoms on presentation.
A once-a-day dose of a valacyclovir reduces the rate of transmission of genital herpes (HSV-2) from an infected partner to an uninfected susceptible partner, according to a new study.
The telemetry rhythm strip shown in the Figure was obtained from a 67-year-old woman who presented with heart failure. A permanent pacemaker had been implanted a number of years earlier. How does the addition of a second simultaneously recorded lead help in your interpretation? How many findings can you identify on this two-lead telemetry tracing?