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Infectious Disease



  • Use it or lose it: Empiric use spurs resistance

    Ninety-three percent of sputum isolates from a single long-term care facility were resistant to quinolones. Epidemiologic study showed an association with prior receipt of levofloxacin.
  • Healthcare Infection Prevention

    While much of the recently reported infection control problems in ambulatory care have centered on viral hepatitis and reused needles, there may be a comparable level of bacterial infections occurring that are more difficult to detect, investigators report.
  • West Nile virus may have spread during dialysis

    A cluster of hemodialysis patients with West Nile virus (WNV) infections suggests possible transmission of the emerging virus in a dialysis center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. However, the epidemiologic investigation was inconclusive in determining a source of infection.
  • Guidance for workers on avian flu patients

    All patients who present to a health care setting with fever and respiratory symptoms should be managed according to the CDCs recommendations for respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette and questioned regarding their recent travel history.
  • Hospital water: A hazard with an unclear solution

    Both clinical disease and sputum colonization due to Mycobacterium avium complex were traced to the potable water system of a large public hospital. There are no established methods for eradicating these organisms from potable water.
  • JCAHO Update for Infection Control: Bar also being raised for long-term care facilities

    While much attention has been paid to new hospital infection control standards for 2005, the Joint Commission also is adopting similar standards in long-term care facilities. A pre-publication edition of the new standards for long-term care, which will be effective Jan. 1, 2005, call for the following key provisions.
  • Spectrum of Disease Associated with Human Metapneumovirus Infection in Children

    Human metapneumovirus was the likely cause of 12% of all lower respiratory tract illnesses among a population of 2009 children studied from 1976 to 2001 presenting with acute respiratory symptoms. Clinical manifestations of metapneumovirus infection were bronchiolitis (59%), croup (18%), pneumonia (8%), and exacerbation of asthma (14%).
  • ICAAC/IDSA/ASTMH 2003 Conference Coverage

    This summary of selected abstracts from 3 meetings is published in multiple parts. The 43rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) met in Chicago September 14-17, 2003. The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) met in San Diego October 9-12, 2003. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene met in Philadelphia December 3-7, 2003.
  • Updates By Carol A. Kemper, MD, FACP

    Includes the following Articles: Improved Blood Donor Screening for WNV, Azithromycin Failure as Prophylaxis or Treatment of Syphilis, United Kingdom Cracks Down on Potential Blood Donors and Human and Feline Sporotrichosis in Rio.
  • Full May 2004 Issue in PDF