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Infectious Disease



  • IDSA urges increased antibiotic development

    To avert a looming public health crisis with a unique set of underlying causes, Congress and the administration, including federal public health agencies, must act quickly to reinvigorate pharmaceutical investment in antibiotic research and development (R&D). Otherwise, doctors wont have drugs to protect Americans against antibiotic-resistant infections a rapidly growing and often deadly problem.
  • Prepare your facility for influenza season 

  • Full October 2004 issue in PDF

  • Azithromycin for Typhoid Fever

    Five days of oral treatment with azithromycin appeared to be at least as effective as a similar duration of treatment of treatment with ceftriaxone in children in Cairo with typhoid fever.
  • Nation must prepare now for pandemic influenza

    According to a new draft influenza plan issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the following actions must be taken now, before a pandemic strain emerges.
  • Problem brewing: Could pigs be part of new strain?

    The recently released influenza pandemic plan for the United States couldnt be much more timely because there are some pigs on the other side of the world that already may be brewing up the next global outbreak.
  • Sterility problems cited in flu vaccine delay

    Word that a portion of the 2004-2005 influenza vaccine will be not available until later in the season poses no immediate health crisis, but underscores the vulnerable nature of vaccine production and distribution in the shadow of a pandemic. Citing sterility problems during the production process, Chiron Corp. in the United Kingdom announced that it would delay delivery of its doses to the United States.
  • Algorithm guides ICP infection investigation

    Infection control professionals in a group of cancer centers have developed an algorithm to help meet new patient safety goals by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
  • APIC tries to block OSHA with congressional action

    The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) rallied its members recently in support of a congressional action that could block controversial respirator fit-testing requirements.
  • Pharmacology Watch: The Importance of Publishing Negative Clinical Studies

    Sources of funding for pharmaceutical research has come under scrutiny in the last decade as academic and government sources of funding have become increasingly scarce and the pharmaceutical industry has become the main source of research dollars. But the issue of objectivity has been raised, and some have even suggested that negative studies, that is studies that show a drug in an unfavorable light, may never be published. The American Medical Association has recently tackled this issue and has asked the department of Health and Human Services to establish a public registry of all clinical trials in United States.