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Infectious Disease



  • Resolution of Hepatitis C Infection

    Hepatitis C infection is usually asymptomatic, but with insidious progression. This paper from Poland features the outcomes of a series of patients with acute hepatitis C in order to determine the resolution or progression of disease.
  • Diagnosis of RSV Infection: Adults Are Not Just Large Children

    The Binax NOW chromatographic assay was found to be the optimal method for detection of RSV in upper respiratory secretions of children, while DFA testing was optimal in adults.
  • Chrysobacterium meningosepticum

    Host factors are the major determinants of the outcomes of C. meningosepticum infections. Lin and colleagues describe 9 adults (40-82 years of age) and 2 children (0.5 and 1.5 years of age) seen at 2 hospitals in Taiwan from 2001 to 2002 with bacteremia due to Chrysobacterium meningosepticum. Six of the infections were community acquired.
  • Candida glabrata

    Caspofungin and flucytosine were the active antifungals against C. glabrata, while fluconazole was least active. Isolates with high level resistance to fluconazole demonstrated reduced susceptibility to voriconazole.
  • Nitazoxanide Tablets for Giardiasis

    Nitazoxanide (Alinia) is a broad spectrum antiparasitic agent, previously approved for use as an oral suspension for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis in children. It has now received FDA approval as a 500 tablet for the treatment of giardiasis in adolescents and adults.
  • Updates

    The High Cost of MRSA; Treatment of Latent TB: A High Priority; The APRICOT HCV/HIV Co-infection Study.
  • Pharmacology Watch: Linking COX-2 Inhibitors and Cardiovascular Event Risk

    Viagra: Maximum Capacity at High-Altitudes?; FDA Actions.
  • Real threat of pandemic flu makes influenza draft plan a page turner

    The danger of the next influenza pandemic has become so crystal clear and ever present that the recently released federal pandemic influenza plan has become something of a page turner among the normally dry reading requirements of the infection control professional. The draft document by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is being reviewed by many as if it may have to be implemented all too soon.
  • HHS flu pandemic infection control recommendations

    A new draft pandemic influenza plan issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services calls for a combination of standard precautions and droplet isolation measures and an overall atmosphere of respiratory etiquette in hospitals caring for flu patients.
  • Australian hospital warns of possible CJD exposure

    A hospital in Melbourne, Australia has contacted 1,056 patients who underwent brain or spinal surgery in the past 18 months after a patient died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), according to published reports. Australian health authorities said in a statement there was an extremely remote risk that the disease could be spread by surgical equipment.