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Infectious Disease



  • Viral Influenza Complications

    Clinicians are becoming more attuned to the many complications of influenza, particularly with the high morbidity and mortality seen with H5N1 strains spreading around the world.
  • Full June 1, 2008 Issue in PDF

  • Clinical Briefs by Louis Kuritzky, MD

    In 2007, the ACCF/AHA published a consensus statement in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology endorsing a role for coronary artery calcium scoring (CAC) in cardiovascular risk stratification.
  • Ten-Year Update on AAAs

    One-time screening for abdominal aortic Aneurysms (AAA) is recommended in older men, but there is little long-term data on the value of such screening, especially in women.
  • So You Took Hormones, Now What?

    For those women who were randomized to estrogen plus progesterone in the Women's Health Initiative Trial, the increased risk of breast cancer has persisted since stopping the replacement therapy, but the increased risk of cardiovascular events has returned to that of the placebo group.
  • LDL Lowering - Should Ezetimibe Ever Be Used?

    Lifestyle changes such as improving diet and exercise are always the first important approach for the treatment of hyperlipidemia however, if the target LDL-C level is not achieved using statins and niacin, fibrates, and/or resins, at this time, ezetimibe should definitely be utilized to achieve these target goals if there are no specific contraindications to the use of the drug in each individual patient.
  • Some good news on MRSA: Hospital efforts working

    Hospital infection prevention efforts aimed at methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) appear to having some effect in preventing nosocomial transmission.
  • Congress puts heat on states to prevent HAIs

    State hospital associations throughout the nation should be in receipt of a May 6, 2008, letter from U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, asking what they are doing to prevent health care-associated infections (HAIs).
  • Undue influence of infection control industry?

    In the silence after the speakers had concluded the opening session recently in Orlando of the annual meeting of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) as those with questions were moving to the microphones moderator Patrick J. Brennan, MD, acknowledged what many were thinking by noting that there was an "800-pound gorilla in the room."
  • 12 steps to address SHEA "midlife crisis'

    As the field of infection prevention undergoes sweeping changes, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) must reassess its role and redefine its mission, an epidemiologist said recently in Orlando at the group's annual meeting.