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Infectious Disease



  • Ulipristal Acetate Tablets (Ella™)

    A new emergency contraceptive has been approved by the FDA that is effective up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse. Ulipristal acetate is a selective progesterone receptor modulator with partial agonist and partial antagonistic effects. It is licensed from Laboratoire HRA Pharma in France and marketed by Watson Pharma as Ella™.
  • Calcium Can Break Your Heart

    Calcium supplementation without vitamin D supplementation is associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction.
  • Are Low HDL Levels Prognostically Important in Statin-treated Patients?

    HDL-cholesterol concentrations are not predictive of residual vascular risk among patients treated with potent statin therapy who have attained very low concentrations of LDL-cholesterol.
  • ECG Review: An Asymptomatic 87-year-old Woman

    The ECG above was obtained from an 87-year-old woman in for her first doctor visit in several years. She reports no recent symptoms. She is on no cardioactive medications. What are your concerns?
  • Your Patients Live Longer When Discharged with Home Care After Hemiarthroplasty

    A Canadian study reveals that while a majority of elderly patients undergoing hemiarthroplasty did not receive home care upon discharge, those that did had longer short-term survival.
  • The Joint Commission revises NPSGs

    While The Joint Commission will have no new National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) for 2011, it has revised elements of performance (EPs) within those goals to remove specific requirements related to clinical practice. The changes to the EPs are effective immediately.
  • The needlestick that changed her life

    Karen Daley, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, remembers the stick as if it happened in slow-motion, the details still clear to her 12 years later. She had helped a co-worker draw blood from a patient in the emergency department. She turned to reach behind her for the sharps container. Mounted high on the wall, it was overfilled, but she couldn't see it well because it was above eye level.
  • Friend of victim becomes MRSA lawyer

    The family and friends of MRSA victims are sometimes galvanized to action by the death of a loved one. One of them is Tara Hopper, who became a lawyer and MRSA activist after she watched her best friend Elizabeth Ann Reilly fall to the bacterial infection in the prime of her short life.
  • CDC: Monitor HCWs for flu symptoms

    During last year's H1N1 influenza pandemic, health care workers inadvertently transmitted flu to their co-workers, in some cases triggering a hospital-based outbreak.
  • Near death leads to a life of MRSA advocacy

    In 2003, Jeanine Thomas of Hinesdale, IL, founded the MRSA Survivors Network, the organization which successfully lobbied to have Oct. 2 declared World MRSA Day and October World MRSA Month. A tireless activist for MRSA awareness, Thomas recently sat down with Hospital Infection Control & Prevention for the following interview.