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Infectious Disease



  • Clinical Briefs

    Prostate Cancer Screening; Can We Trust Home BP Measurement?; Systolic and Diastolic Dysfunction
  • Fluoroquinolones and Tendinopathie

    The excess risk of Achilles tendon disorders attributable to fluoroquinolone use was estimated to be 3.2 cases per 1000 patient-years, with most of that increase accounted for by patients 60 years of age and older who concomitantly receive corticosteroids.
  • Use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Risk of Upper Gastro-intestinal Tract Bleeding

    SSRIs increase the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and this effect is potentiated by concomitant NSAID or aspirin use.
  • ICAAC 2002/IDSA 2002

    The following summaries represent a selection of papers from among those presented at the 42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), held September 27-30, 2002, in San Diego and the 40th annual meeting of the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), held October 24-27, 2002, in Chicago. Antiretroviral therapy is not included.
  • Pharmacology Watch

    FDA Issues Black Box Warning Based on WHI Study; ALLHAT: Thiazide for Hypertension Treatment; Candesartan Effective Against Migraines; Cough! No Cold Relief from Echinacea; COX-2 Inhibitors and GI Benefits Could Be Overrated; FDA Actions
  • Clinical Briefs in Primary Care

    Stroke Reduction in Older Hypertensives with Abnormal Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping; Primary Prevention of Hypertension; Effect of Aggressive Screening and Treatment on Prostate Cancer Mortality; Diuretics, Mortality, and Nonrecovery of Renal Function in Acute Renal Failure; Nut and Peanut Butter Consumption and Risk of DM-2 in Women; Optimal Diets for Prevention of CHD
  • Full February 1, 2003 Issue in PDF

  • Full January 29, 2003 Issue in PDF

  • Clinical Briefs

    The Metabolic Syndrome and Total and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Middle-Aged Men; Effects of Amlodipine Fosinopril Combination on Microalbuminuria in Hypertensive Type 2 Diabetic Patients; Relation Between Alcohol Consumption and C-Reactive Protein Levels in the Adult United States Population
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on the Wards: Who Survives?

    In this review of outcomes from cardiopulmonary resuscitation among non-ICU inpatients in 3 urban teaching hospitals, no patient who had an unwitnessed cardiac arrest survived to discharge. Forty-four percent of patients with witnessed respiratory arrest returned to their homes, as compared with 13% of patients with witnessed cardiac arrest (21% for pulseless ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation, and 7% for pulseless electrical activity or asystole).