Infection Control
Occupational Threat to Dental Workers?
Looking over the medical records at a specialty clinic in Virginia, public health investigators have uncovered a cluster of dental workers with a progressive lung disease that appears to be occupationally acquired.
The Long and Winding Road
Travel nurses who routinely relocate and work at new facilities on an interim basis face some employee health problems unique to their situation. Others are slightly different manifestations of common issues in nursing.
Johns Hopkins Boosts Employee Health With CDC Scorecard
The CDC’s Worksite Health ScoreCard effectively measures workplace wellness efforts and can highlight areas of needed improvement, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine reported.
To Care Is Human: Collaborative Tackles Toll on Healthcare
Healthcare workers are at increased risk of burnout and depression, as a confluence of factors have created a toxic brew of occupational stressors.
Hand Hygiene: Just Do It
Healthcare workers who ignore the constant admonition to wash their hands between patients may inadvertently spread multidrug-resistant superbugs while drawing a citation from a visiting Joint Commission surveyor.
Nursing Group Calls for National Action on Shootings
Gun violence has blurred the line between healthcare concerns and public health, as recurrent mass shootings now have a nursing group calling for national action to prevent the attacks.
Flu Vaccine Myths and Conspiracies
In another falsehood pushed by antivaccine advocates, there has been an erroneous claim on the internet that the flu vaccine has somehow “caused” the current severe influenza season.
Emerging Infections Threaten Healthcare Workers
In another grim reminder that healthcare workers are on the frontlines against emerging infections, an outbreak of Lassa viral hemorrhagic fever in Nigeria has infected 14 medical staff and killed four of them.
Prepare for Changes to Hazardous Drug Standards
The deadline to adopt new requirements for protecting healthcare workers potentially exposed to hazardous drugs has been extended, giving employee health professionals more time to define their role in medical surveillance and other areas.
Employee Health Steps Up in a Rough Flu Season
Employee health professionals stepping up to protect workers and patients during a severe flu season can become part of the outbreak they are trying to prevent.