Infection Control
One-third of Long-term Care Workers Skip Flu Shot
A CDC 2017-2018 survey found that only 67% of long-term care workers were immunized.
The Secret of Working Sick: ‘Don’t Mask, Don’t Tell’
With the wide variation and limited effectiveness of healthcare policies to prevent presenteeism in sick healthcare workers, has the situation devolved to unspoken policies of “don’t mask, don’t tell?”
CDC Issues Draft Guidelines for Infection Control in HCWs
Culminating a long process of reviewing and updating current guidelines that are two decades old, the CDC recently published its new infection control draft guidance.
New USP Hazardous Drug Rules Coming Soon
The U.S. Pharmacopeia continues to revise its standards to protect workers exposed to hazardous drugs, including those involved in compounding medications.
Focus on Staff Immunization After Bad Flu Season
Overall, 78.4% of healthcare workers received influenza vaccination during the 2017-2018 season, one of the most severe in history.
Post-flu Syndromes Include Stroke, Heart Attack, Disability
Advocating flu vaccination of healthcare workers to protect themselves and patients, a leading national epidemiologist says there is increasing evidence of post-influenza illnesses that can lead to heart attack, stroke, and permanent disability.
Is Surgical Smoke a Threat to Patients?
If a threat to patients was ever established, the stakes would be raised considerably to require surgical plume removal.
Hazards of Surgical Plume: Is the Jury In?
In the face of accumulating evidence and political momentum, there are still skeptics and critics who claim the hue and cry over surgical smoke is much ado about nothing.
Rhode Island Passes Landmark Law Protecting HCWs from Surgical Smoke
Rhode Island has become the first state to mandate that healthcare facilities take measures to protect healthcare workers from the hazardous plume.
Texas-sized Mumps Outbreak Includes Nine HCWs
A large outbreak of mumps last year in Texas included nine healthcare workers, many of whom were apparently infected in the community.