Infection Control
With Political Change, OSHA Infectious Disease Standard Appears Back in Play
In acknowledged underestimates, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports tens of thousands of healthcare workers have acquired COVID-19 and hundreds have died. With CDC guidelines nonregulatory, politicized, and too often ignored during the pandemic, the question arises: Could an enforceable infectious disease standard by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration have saved lives during the pandemic?
Occupational COVID-19 Exposures to Colleagues
Healthcare workers may be vigilant with personal protective equipment around COVID-19 patients, but inadvertently expose themselves to colleagues when they take breaks, socialize, and eat. Part of the problem is healthcare workers are experiencing PPE fatigue and may be tempted to removed gear for brief respites when possible.
High Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines Buoys Hopes
Although questions and caveats remain, preliminary reports of two new COVID-19 vaccines in the 90% to 95% effectiveness range have bolstered hopes that healthcare workers may soon be protected and potentially large portions of the public immunized in 2021.
Analysis: Nurses at High Risk of Contracting COVID-19
Investigators emphasized the need for rigorous infection control practices in healthcare settings as well as mitigation efforts aimed at reducing transmission of the virus in the community.
FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for Bamlanivimab
While the search for a vaccine continues, the agency adds to the list of stop-gap therapeutics to battle COVID-19.
Can Chopsticks Carry SARS-CoV-2?
This small study suggests salivary contamination of utensils with SARS-CoV-2 virus can occur. Sharing food and utensils, or using communal food bowls, probably is not a good idea if one is trying to avoid COVID-19.
Possible Aerosol Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in an Apartment Building
Although not definitive, evidence is consistent with aerosol spread of SARS-CoV-2 in an apartment building as a result of transport through the drainage system to apartments directly above.
Is It Time for a Mask Mandate?
With COVID-19 surging nationally, there are increasing calls for a national mask mandate for the public. There appears to be sufficient evidence to support such a measure as we enter a winter of considerable discontent.
Flu Deaths in Children, Vaccination Hesitancy
Although COVID-19 certainly has caused some infections and deaths in children, they generally have fared well against the virus compared to other age groups. Influenza, on the other hand, can cause severe disease in children.
Emergency Physicians Are Suffering as COVID-19 Resurges
A new survey by the American College of Emergency Physicians, conducted in October, revealed that 87% of emergency physicians say they are more stressed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, 72% report experiencing more professional burnout.