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  • Concierge care: Does it benefit everyone or a few?

    In 2000, literally a handful of physicians were practicing what has become known as concierge medicine they had slashed their patient load to a fraction of the number of patients seen in a traditional practice, and were charging their remaining 300 to 400 patients a retainer fee that gave them access to the doctors' services around-the-clock and for as much time as they needed.
  • The Quality - Cost Connection: Procedures should promote patient safety

    Without procedures and standardized ways of doing things, the complex process of caring for hospitalized patients would be difficult. Procedures have a central role to play in quality and patient safety.
  • JCAHO's nurse staffing standards questioned

    The American Nurses Association, the New York State Nurses Association, and the Washington State Nurses Association filed a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), claiming that HHS allows hospitals that fail to meet federal nurse staffing requirements to participate in Medicare, thereby endangering patients.
  • Hospitals use free online resource to boost quality

    Is your organization on the fence about participating with the Washington, DC-based Leapfrog Group's Hospital Quality and Safety Survey? If so, why not practice first?
  • Consider the 'full PPR' option to improve quality

    When it comes to completing the periodic performance review (PPR), organizations have more options than ever. The newest is the "full PPR option," which is a regular survey fully staffed by certified surveyors.
  • NPSGs for 2007 are here: Here are your toughest challenges

    Asking patients if they felt unsafe at any point during their hospital stay. Actively encouraging patients to report safety concerns. Having systems in place to ensure that all patients receive a complete list of their current medications.
  • Hospice offers end-of life planning to community

    Hospices sometimes find it challenging to meet a community's needs in end of life planning and bereavement services, since these are only a small part of the services a hospice provides.
  • Be vigilant: Sharps safety still tops OSHA citations

    Despite widespread conversion to sharps safety devices, hospitals are more likely to be cited for violations of the bloodborne pathogens standard than any other standard.
  • System shows diversity in rapid response teams

    The implementation of rapid response teams in seven different facilities in the Seton Healthcare Network in Austin, TX, is a virtual "living laboratory" of the many different ways hospitals can create and implement rapid response teams and they all seem to be working, says Alice Davis, RN, BSN, senior project coordinator, medical staff services.
  • Comprehensive approach includes educating docs

    Blue Cross of California State Sponsored Business takes a comprehensive approach to asthma management, partnering with the Fresno Valley Air Quality Board on ways to improve air quality in Fresno County, piloting a project to help physician practices improve their asthma treatment methods, and developing a three-tiered approach to managing members' asthma.