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  • HIPAA, quality specialist warns against complacency

    If ensuring compliance with the privacy and security rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has moved way down on your list of priorities, you might want to reconsider.
  • A patient pleaser, 'Team Triage' cuts ED wait times

    A new process for streamlining patient care in the emergency department (ED) at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has cut length of stay (LOS) by 52% and reduced the number of patients who leave without being seen from 5% to less than 1%.
  • OP flow coordinator has unexpected benefits

    Adding a coordinator to help regulate the flow of patients to registrars in the outpatient registration area has played an integral role in slashing wait times at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center-Presbyterian in Philadelphia.
  • Access career ladder targets burnout, turnover

    Demonstrating leadership ability, obtaining a professional certification, and meeting collection goals are among the key requirements of a comprehensive access career ladder being implemented at The Children's Hospital in Denver.
  • Use of smart card technology puts Texas system on the cutting edge

    Interoperability -- how to get one system to talk to another -- is one of the hottest topics in health care today, and a challenge that every hospital and health system must face in some fashion.
  • More care not necessarily better care, study says

    Budget-conscious quality managers might want to take a good, hard look at the findings in the latest report from the Dartmouth Atlas Project, in Hanover, NH. It indicates that providing chronically ill Medicare beneficiaries more care at a higher cost does not translate into higher quality care.
  • Solve oral medication management problems

    A range of factors affects a patient's ability to manage oral medications: cognitive ability, number of medications, and understanding why and how to take medications. To help patients better manage their medications, it is important to identify the reasons they don't and address those in the simplest manner possible.
  • Culturally competent care improves outcomes, patient satisfaction

    Navigating the health care system often is bewildering for people who were born in the United States and speak English; it may be incomprehensible for some of this country's growing immigrant population, who bring their own cultural beliefs and practices with them.
  • Verify medication lists to improve outcomes

    With the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) emphasizing the reduction of hospital readmissions as one way to cut the overall cost of health care for Medicare patients, home health agency managers have evaluated different ways to improve this outcome for their agencies.
  • Fibromyalgia program helps members avoid ED

    In the first two years of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina's fibromyalgia management program, the inpatient admission rate among members enrolled in the program decreased by 23.3%, emergency department visits dropped by 23.1%, and physician visits went down 16.6%.