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  • ASC payments to be cut to hospitals’ level

    Beginning Jan. 1, 2007, ambulatory surgery center (ASC) payments that are higher than hospital outpatient department (HOPD) payments for the same procedures will be reduced to the hospital rate, based on the budget reconciliation bill awaiting final Congressional approval at press time.
  • 3 more procedures article warns against

    In an article highlighting risks of several surgical procedures, Consumer Reports discussed the risks of angioplasty, including death in 2% to 6% of patients, and it questioned the long-term safety of drug-coated stents.
  • HHS: ASC list will include all procedures except for those with risks, overnight stays

    Michael O. Leavitt, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has announced that HHS will propose including all outpatient surgical procedures on the list of approved procedures for ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), except for those that department officials think would pose a significant safety risk in a center and those that would require an overnight stay.
  • Educate office staff to improve utilization

    Surgeons may be the investing partners in your surgery center, but in many cases, it may be office staff who determine at which facility a procedure is scheduled. If you notice that a surgeons utilization of your center is dropping, consider education for office staff to address the downturn, says Michael Sawyer, administrator of Santa Barbara (CA) Surgery Center.
  • Same-Day Surgery Manager: Nurse manager retires, and other quandaries

    In this months issue, I address some of your most pressing questions, including whether to replace a retiring nurse manager, motivation of long-time staff, use of a urology table for other procedures, whether to have separate staff and physician lounges, use of cell phones, and the most profitable specialty.
  • Technology reassures families in waiting rooms

    Good communications with family members on the day of surgery is essential for reduction of anxiety in the waiting room, say experts interviewed by Same-Day Surgery. Some facilities are using technology to keep family members updated on the progress of their loved one.
  • Do you benefit from these surgeries? Consumer Reports says maybe not

    Warning: Consumer Reports is telling your patients that they may not need surgery. The popular magazine recently posted an article that says there are 12 procedures that may be overperformed, and it goes as far as referring to bloodletting and lobotomy as examples of popular procedures that later proved ineffective or dangerous.
  • Optimization committee helps with consistency

    Every other week, those most directly involved in protecting human subjects in Vanderbilt Universitys research programs meet in an effort to ensure that the universitys policies and procedures are implemented consistently across its four institutional review boards.
  • Tips for IRBs overseeing international research

    The recent headlines and controversy over the resignation of a South Korean investigator who admitted to ethical lapses and fraudulent data have raised concerns among IRBs and others in the research industry.
  • South Korean research controversy raises questions about oversight

    As the story developed in headlines from around the world it grew from questions about ethical lapses on the part of a South Korean stem cell researcher to his admission of fake data.