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  • Physician-specific CM pays off for hospital

    A physician-specific case management program provides continuity of care for patients and creates a close working relationship between case managers and physicians at Nazareth Hospital in Philadelphia. The hospital made the decision several years ago to assign case managers (known as care coordinators) and social workers by physician.
  • Holistic wound care yields better healing rates

    The wound care center at Presbyterian Hospital of Plano (TX) takes a holistic approach to patient care by assigning each patient to one nurse who provides hands-on care and case management. The case management piece is unusual in the outpatient setting. The outpatient wound care case management program has paid off in outcomes that have improved steadily.
  • 2004 Salary Survey Results: Case managers are still fighting to prove their value

    Salaries for case management are increasing, but the vast majority of case managers are working far more than the traditional 40-hour week, according to the results of the 2004 Hospital Case Management Salary Survey. The 2004 survey was mailed to readers of HCM in the June issue. More than half the respondents (58%) were case management directors. Others were case managers, utilization managers, social workers, or had other titles.
  • Critical Path Network: Algorithm guides ICP infection investigation

    Infection control professionals in a group of cancer centers have developed an algorithm to help meet new patient safety goals by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The Joint Commission requires health care organizations to manage as sentinel events all identified cases of unanticipated death or major loss of function due to nosocomial infections.
  • Team effort helps hospital exceed standards for CHF

    A team effort to improve care for congestive heart failure and heart attack patients has paid off for Saint Lukes Hospital and Mid American Heart Institute of Kansas City, MO. The health care organization has been recognized by VHA Inc., a cooperative of not-for-profit health care organizations, for surpassing national standards for clinical excellence in treating the two cardiac conditions.
  • Expert says pandemic flu would be much worse than SARS outbreak

    Hospitals need to ramp up their preparedness for pandemic influenza, a threat that is heightened by the continuing spread of avian influenza among birds and mammals in Asia, cautions the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Model may be at fault if fit-tests are a failure

    Poorly fitting respirators may cause additional headaches for hospitals as they scramble to fit-test hundreds of employees to comply with U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations.
  • Quick Q&A: Expert answers EHPs’ fit-test questions

    Employee health professionals face logistical issues as they scramble to fit-test hundreds of employees. Hospital Employee Health posed some common fit-testing questions to respiratory protection expert Roy McKay, PhD, director of the occupational pulmonology services program at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
  • Work environment may hasten nurse retirement

    Work stress and dissatisfaction with the work environment may hasten the retirement of aging nurses, according to a study by the Center for American Nurses, an Austin, TX-based affiliate of the American Nurses Association.
  • JCAHO Update for Infection Control: 2005 patient safety goals warn of sound-alike drugs

    New patient safety goals for 2005 by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations include preventing patient falls and avoiding potentially fatal mix-ups with similarly named drugs.