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Hospital Medicine Alert



  • Non-invasive Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Failure: Importance of the Interface

    When 4 different interfaces with varying internal dead space were randomly applied during non-invasive ventilation in 14 patients with acute respiratory failure, there were no significant differences in gas exchange, minute ventilation, or work of breathing, but patient tolerance of the different devices varied substantially.
  • Discontinuing Anti-platelet Therapy in Patients with Drug-eluting Stents

    The introduction of drug-eluting stents (DES) was met with enthusiasm from the interventional cardiology community because of the dramatic reduction in rates of in-stent restenosis (ISR). However, it came to be recognized that this clinical benefit, due to reduced proliferation of smooth muscle cells, came at a price.
  • The One Thing Certain in the ICU Is Uncertainty

    This study showed that surrogate decision-makers with a loved one in the ICU want clinicians to discuss the patient's prognosis, even if it is uncertain.
  • Clopidogrel Plus Proton-Pump Inhibitors

    Since the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding is increased when clopidogrel is added to aspirin therapy in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS), many prescribe proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) to reduce this risk. However, mechanistic studies suggest that PPIs may reduce the effectiveness of clopidogrel.
  • Oral Vitamin K for Excessive Anticoagulation

    Whether oral vitamin K reduces the risk of bleeding related to excessive anticoagulation from warfarin remains unclear.
  • Greater In-hospital Use of Clinical IT is Associated with Better Patient Outcomes

    In this study of physician use of clinical information technology in relation to 4 common diagnoses in 41 urban hospitals in Texas, inpatient outcomes were better the more extensive the use of computerized order entry, test results, physician charting, and decision support. Increased use of IT was also associated with significantly lower costs for all hospital admissions.
  • Dronedarone: New and Improved Amiodarone?

    Dronedarone is a new antiarrhythmic drug with structural similarities to amiodarone. During development of the molecule, the steps included removal of the iodine atoms and making the compound more lipophilic; the latter produces a shorter elimination half-life and reduced tissue accumulation.
  • MRSA Central-Line Bacteremias Decline in U.S. ICUs

    Surveillance data from the CDC show that central-line associated bloodstream infections due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in U.S. intensive care units showed an overall decrease of 50% during 1997-2007.
  • Newer Antipsychotic Drugs and Sudden Death

    Ray et al examined the computerized files of Tennessee Medicaid recipients to estimate the effects of atypical antipsychotic drugs on the risk of sudden cardiac death.
  • Steroids to Prevent Extubation Failure?

    This meta-analysis of studies examining the efficacy of systemic corticosteroids for preventing laryngeal edema following extubation concludes that this treatment is effective. This result differs from those of several previous meta-analyses, and raises practical issues such as whether extubation should be delayed for at least 12 hours after a patient passes a spontaneous breathing trial and qualifies for extubation so that a course of steroids can be given.