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Hospital Management



  • Speedy Response to Concern During Daily Safety Call

    The daily safety call at Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, MD, often identifies issues that need attention. Some problems take a while to address, but others can be resolved quickly.

  • Daily Safety Call Improves Care at Hospital

    A Maryland hospital found that a highly structured daily safety conference call with key clinicians and administrators can significantly improve patient safety. Attendees report safety issues, receive updates, and can act quickly on concerns.

  • Watch for ‘Hallucinations’ When Using AI for Healthcare

    Artificial intelligence (AI) developers caution that there are limitations to the technology. Healthcare organizations must consider them when seeking the benefits AI offers. AI can be helpful, but it can introduce errors to the healthcare process.

  • Safety Strategies to Minimize AI Risks in Healthcare

    Patient safety and risk management strategies for AI in healthcare are crucial for avoiding liability and preventing medical errors.

  • AI Creates Liability Risks for Healthcare Organizations

    Artificial intelligence is entering a variety of industries including healthcare, where it offers the opportunity to improve diagnoses and patient care in many ways. The potential benefits come with significant risks that must be anticipated and mitigated.

  • Telling It Like It Is: Too Many HCWs Are Unhealthy

    With more than 35 years of experience in employee health, wellness coaching, and lifestyle medicine, Leticia Nichols, NP-C, is not afraid to share a few inconvenient truths about poor diets and disease, which the healthcare system is primarily designed to treat rather than prevent.

  • Threat of Reinfection Includes Long COVID

    Accumulating research suggests reinfections with SARS-CoV-2 increase the likelihood of developing long COVID, the horrific post-acute syndrome with indefinite duration and a panoply of neurological, autoimmune, and physical conditions. Moreover, the risk of developing long COVID incrementally increases with each reinfection, according to a study that found this cumulative effect continues in up to three reinfections.

  • Return to Light Duty Is Key to Full-Time Work

    Healthcare workers’ physical injuries account for almost 50% of all injuries reported nationally. The proverbial insult that follows is that the longer they miss work, the less likely they are to return at all. At six months, there is less than a 50% chance they will return. The key justification for returning injured employees to light duty is that it is significantly associated with a return to full-time work and can positively re-engage workers.

  • Wounded Healers: Long COVID Community Helps Its Own

    Despite her limitations, Karyn Bishof, MS, founded the COVID-19 Longhauler Advocacy Project and began distributing information to others. Hospital Employee Heath reached out to Bishof for an interview.

  • CDC Seeks Clarity on Masks, Respirators

    An advisory panel to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently completed draft isolation guidelines for respiratory patients, but got a thumbs down and a loaded question for their trouble: “Should N95 respirators be recommended for all pathogens that spread by the air?”