An adverse event is any undesirable experience associated with the use of a medical product in a patient. The event is SERIOUS and should be reported when the patient outcome is the following.
IRBs often struggle with decisions regarding the reporting of adverse events and unanticipated problems, and the recent increases in IRBs workloads do not help the situation, experts say.
In the year 2000, Health Care Financing Administration (now known as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) issued its National Coverage Determination (NCD) extending Medicare coverage to routine costs of qualifying trials, as well as those items and services made necessary to diagnose or treat complications arising from clinical trial participation.
A program in which case managers coordinate the care of members with complex medical conditions and those who are at high risk for chronic diseases has paid off for Care Choices HMO of Farmington Hills, MI.
A depression management program has resulted in better scores on Health Plan Employer Data Information Set (HEDIS) measures and a reduction in depression screening scores for Fallon Community Health Plan, with headquarters in Worcester, MA.
When it comes to accepting cash payments from providers in exchange for referrals, there is no question: It is expressly forbidden. But what happens with noncash items, such as the seemingly innocuous gifts that show up around the holidays or the New Year. What are the rules?
If youre not calling on the resources of your companys physician medical directors, you may not be maximizing your resources to optimize patient care.
Great-West Healthcares disease management approach won the Denver-based company the award of best disease management program in a national PPO for 2002-2003 from the Disease Management Association of America (DMAA).
A predictive modeling program is just the first step in identifying members for a comprehensive disease management program, says Michael Cousins, PhD, manager of health informatics for Health Management Corp. (HMC), based in Richmond, VA.