Old habits are hard to break, and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations is asking same-day surgery staff members to break some habits theyve had since nursing and medical school. National Patient Safety Goal No. 2 requires health care organizations to standardize abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols and to develop a list of do-not-use abbreviations.
Human subjects training is typically a part of human subjects protections programs. Such training has taken the form of in-house seminars given at regular intervals and web-based activities. Regardless of the form, the objectives are simple: Give those involved in human subject research ethics and regulatory information that will promote beneficence and compliance with regulations.
Small colleges and undergraduate departments at universities are finding it increasingly important to formalize their human subject protection programs while making certain IRBs are reviewing what they should and not filling agendas with a lot of unnecessary reviews, several experts say.
IRB members who are confused about whether research containing an oral history is subject to IRB review are not alone. The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) has written two letters on the matter, leaving some room for contradictory interpretation until guidelines are issued, possibly this year.
The question remains: Is full-panel review necessary?
In light of changes to the survey process made last year, what does my ED need to provide to surveyors to demonstrate compliance with staffing effectiveness standards?
As of Jan. 1, your accredited hospital was required to collect and report data on one additional core measure set as part of an expansion of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization's ORYX initiative.