Some people who are considering bariatric surgery as a weight-loss option may think they can have a minor operation and start losing weight automatically without having to think of dieting again. Thats where Michelle Coffman, RN, and Sue Lassetter, MA, come in.
Medicaid recipients with chronic diseases are a difficult population to reach. Often, they're transient and face economic, linguistic, and cultural barriers to health care. Thats why McKesson Corp., based in San Francisco, came up with a series of outside-the-box initiatives in its disease management programs for Medicaid patients whose care is not covered by a managed care contract.
Several leading medical and science journals fail to enforce their own policies for disclosing financial conflicts of interest among contributing authors, according to a study released July 12 by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).
Mississippi attorney Richard Scruggs has targeted not-for-profit hospitals in his latest class action effort, accusing them of overcharging uninsured patients and using harassment to collect overdue bills.
Whether to meet continuing education requirements, get a better job, or to satisfy a personal desire to improve in the profession, occupational health nurses always are looking for opportunities for professional development.
Increasing numbers of elderly Americans spend their last days in nursing homes, and very few benefit from hospice services, experts say. Researchers and national health care experts predict that the number of people who die in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities will continue to rise in coming decades as the baby boomers age.
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield is expanding its successful preventive health programs into the community, partnering with local organizations to offer health improvement programs to the public.
A home monitoring program for patients with complex chronic conditions has reduced hospitalizations by as much as 50% to 80%, according to Charles Hart, vice president of Cardiocom, a Minneapolis-based company that works with managed care companies, hospitals, and medical groups at risk for cost of care to manage complex patients.
The Case Management Society of America (CMSA), based in Little Rock, AR, is changing all that with the development of Case Management Adherence Guidelines (CMAG-1) designed to guide case managers in helping their clients stick to their prescribed medication regimen.