Before Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan launched its BlueHealthConnection program, disease management nurses and case management nurses were in separate departments and never talked.
When Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan created its proactive case management and disease management program, the Detroit-based insurer looked for every opportunity to interact with members, in addition to maximizing the traditional disease management and case management strategies.
Studies of terminally ill patients indicate that a small number of them want the option of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) or other means of controlling the manner in which they die. Yet with PAS legal in only one state, most will not have that option.
Rather than age or severity of illness, the strongest determinants of the withdrawal of ventilation in critically ill patients are often the physicians perception that the patient preferred not to use life support or had a low chance of survival in the intensive care unit, a recent study1 by the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Level of Care Study Investigators has found.
Health care practitioners now have had a couple years of experience in doing failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) projects. Now that weve got some know-how in how to do a FMEA, it is clear that these projects arent easy.
Throughout a recent Joint Commission survey at Paradise Valley Hospital in National City, CA, surveyors zeroed in on two key areas: staff knowledge and patient care, reports Catherine M. Fay, RN, director of performance improvement.
To share or not to share? Thats the question for many organizations currently in the thick of the decision-making process for whether to send in the results of their periodic performance review (PPR) to the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).
Do you shudder to think of the workload involved in completing
the periodic performance review (PPR) now required by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations? Are you finding yourself solely responsible for all the data collection this entails? Is your goal to do the minimum required to pass muster with surveyors?