Hospitalists are becoming much more common in American health care and soon could change the way EDs work with physicians, says Ron Greeno, MD, chief medical officer and senior vice president of physician services at Cogent Healthcare in Laguna Hills, CA, one of several companies that provide hospitalist services across the country.
One of the best ways to gain hospitalwide commitment to performance excellence is through participation in a self-assessment using the criteria of the Malcolm Baldrige Quality award.
Would you like to improve retention and satisfaction of nursing staff and make patients safer at the same time? The two goals are intrinsically linked, according to Diana Berkland, MS, RN, vice president of clinical administrative services and chief nurse executive at Sioux Valley Hospital USD Medical Center in Sioux Falls, SD.
If your hospital is a large urban facility, you may have large numbers of staff with individual departments responsible for performance improvement, patient safety, and data collection and abstracting. Unfortunately, many quality managers at smaller facilities are not so lucky.
For case managers working in an acute-care environment, advocacy is a fundamental principle of the services they provide. Advocacy may be described simply as wanting, getting, and doing what is in the best interest of the patient and the family. In practice, however, case managers find themselves acting as advocates not only for the patient and family but for the hospital and provider of care as well.
If you are a case manager who also is performing disease management activities, keep in mind that the two activities require distinctly different skill sets, suggests Rufus Howe, RN-C, MN.
In the first 12 months of a comprehensive disease management program for members with 17 chronic conditions and diseases, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota saved $36 million in claims, with a return-on-investment of $2.90 for every dollar spent.
A Medicaid disease management program represents a huge potential to improve the health of the publicly insured while decreasing overall health care costs, Sandeep Wadhwa, MD, asserts.
Creating the most efficient staffing arrangement possible along with fostering effective working relationships with those outside the access department was integral to the development of a financially successful patient access department, says Patti Daniel, MS, CCM, LPC, LMSW/AP.