One area of this column I really enjoy is the questions I receive from readers. Some months, I receive 80-120 e-mails. This month, I went back over the past six months and pulled up some of my favorites.
There are several steps you can take before a storm to ensure your building and its contents are protected, says William Phillips, PhD, president of Riteway Services, a Winter Park, FL-based business that handles facilities management for ambulatory surgery centers.
Is your center prepared for a disaster that could cause you to close your doors, contact patients and staff, and later reopen safely? Information from centers that weathered the recent hurricanes in Florida can apply to any disaster.
Awareness is caused when general anesthesia isnt sufficient to maintain unconsciousness and to prevent recall during surgery. Common causes include large anesthetic requirements, equipment misuse or failure, and smaller doses of anesthetic drugs, according to a recently published study.
When a person acquires a disability and can no longer perform the required tasks of his or her job, vocational rehabilitation is needed to help the individual return to work in another capacity. To facilitate this process, an analysis of transferable skills should be conducted up front.
As part of its mission to provide peace of mind to members, Premera Blue Cross has developed an innovative case management program to help members with breast and lung cancer understand their disease and make informed choices about their treatment options.
When Ira Mandel, MD, MPH, was a physician in private practice, he found that group visits were an effective way to cover disease-management issues with his patients with diabetes. As executive medical director for Health Integrated, a Tampa, FL-based provider of care management services, he adapted the group visit concept for telephone-based case managers.
Salaries for case management are increasing, but the vast majority of case managers are working far more than the traditional 40-hour week, according to the results of the 2004 Case Management Advisor Salary Survey.
Midcycle self-assessments, tracer methodology, and less emphasis on examination of policy books are signs that the new survey process implemented by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations is truly different from the survey process of the past.