In a popular music video, the star is shot in one scene, then in the next, a small plastic bandage covers the purported wound as he continues singing with an arrogant swagger into the next verse. Guns and images of violence are popular entertainment in this country featured in the plot lines of popular movies, music videos, TV shows, and video games.
The Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) trial experience offers clinical trial administrators a firsthand look at how to conduct extensive public education in the absence of individual informed consent.
Youre all on the same team right? At times it doesnt seem so. Sometimes, the way people look at the IRB process and its documentation is that its just one more hurdle they have to jump through in order to conduct their research, says Sarah Frankel, PhD, education specialist at the Human Studies Committee of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Using visual aids in the informed consent process can significantly improve comprehension of issues such as risks and confidentiality, according to a study of pregnant women in Pune, India.
The recent warnings that children using certain antidepressants may be at increased risk to become suicidal and charges that previous studies pointing out the problem were kept from public view have reverberated throughout the research community.
This case primarily deals with the issues of delay in diagnosis and delay in informing the patient of test results and the appropriate diagnosis. Communication with patients is critical and, if not handled properly, can be disastrous.
Los Angeles County officials reported recently that a patient at Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center died after a nurse turned down an audio alarm on his vital signs monitor and then failed to notice that he was having a heart attack.
The movement to prevent wrong-site or wrong-person surgery got another boost recently when a major health plan announced that on Jan. 1, 2005, it will stop paying for medical procedures involving those egregious errors.
Anesthesia awareness is not just a problem for the anesthesia department. That was a key message of JCAHO when it issued its recent Sentinel Event Alert on the issue.