One unintended consequence of the nations health care safety net which includes public hospitals, community health centers, local clinics, and some primary care physicians is that it is crowding out, or replacing, other insurance options for unmarried childless adults, according to new data from a research associate professor at the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.
The access career ladder at Carolinas HealthCare System in Charlotte, NC, grew out of two realizations, says the assistant vice president for patient registration: Access employees who dont have the desire or aptitude to be a supervisor or manager need a way to experience career growth, and the opportunity for such advancement is a good way to promote employee retention.
Recruiting and hiring staff for a customer call center is a process rife with challenges, ranging from a shrinking candidate pool to the structured nature of the job, cautions a partner in Banks & Dean, an international professional services firm based in Toronto.
Demand for inpatient and outpatient care continued to grow in 2003, as did the costs of providing that care, according to the latest American Hospital Association Annual Survey.