Hospital Management
The Secret of Working Sick: ‘Don’t Mask, Don’t Tell’
With the wide variation and limited effectiveness of healthcare policies to prevent presenteeism in sick healthcare workers, has the situation devolved to unspoken policies of “don’t mask, don’t tell?”
CDC Issues Draft Guidelines for Infection Control in HCWs
Culminating a long process of reviewing and updating current guidelines that are two decades old, the CDC recently published its new infection control draft guidance.
Is Breakdown of the Physician-Patient Relationship Driving Burnout?
The lead author of a recent commentary on the elusive nature of burnout raised a few eyebrows with a provocative title, “Physician Burnout—A Serious Symptom, But of What?”
Burnout Difficult to Define, Measure in Prevalence Data
"Physician burnout” is a catchphrase in employee health, but there is little agreement on how to define it, resulting in even less understanding of how to measure, treat, and prevent it.
New Illinois Law to Protect HCWs From Violence
Effective Jan. 1, 2019, the Illinois Health Care Violence Prevention Act includes information on providing medical care to committed persons.
Illinois Becomes Latest State to Enact Law to Prevent Healthcare Violence
Effective Jan. 1, 2019, Illinois has passed a sweeping state law to protect healthcare workers from violence after a horrific assault on two nurses last year by a prisoner who had disarmed a guard.
Joint Commission Advisory Addresses Ensuring Accurate Patient Identification
Mistakes in patient identification can lead to wrong-patient errors, delays in treatment, and serious problems. In October, The Joint Commission issued an advisory on how healthcare providers can ensure accurate patient identification.
AAAHC Asks ASCs, Others to Focus on Medication Reconciliation
Medication reconciliation can reduce problems for patients and prevent some ED visits and hospital admissions. A new toolkit educates ambulatory providers about how to avoid preventable adverse drug events. Providers should familiarize themselves with the medications their patients are taking before procedures, ensure accurate medication information and instructions after surgery, and learn how medications taken presurgery can affect patients if they are taking that medication in the days leading up to surgery.
AAAHC Offers New Education, Resources on Disaster Preparation
Surgery centers should start by creating a crisis plan and practicing scenarios before a disaster strikes. Studies show that ASCs can prepare for emergencies more effectively by holding simulations or disaster drills.
Bloat in the ASC
Rare is the facility where one can do that without seeing a linen cart, suture cart, piece of equipment, stretcher, X-ray rack, or other obstacles taking up space. Our patients also see this, and it is disarming to those who consider hospitals and surgery facilities to be like they see on TV: neat and spotless.