Members with bipolar disorder are getting the help they need to keep their condition under control through a new telephone coaching program from Health Alliance Plan (HAP) of Michigan.
Since implementing a maternity program that includes educational mailings and telephone counseling sessions for all pregnant members, BlueChoice HealthPlan of South Carolina has been well below the state average for pre-delivery hospitalizations and pre-term deliveries. And health plan members have experienced a drop in pre-term admissions and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) lengths of stay.
Clinical pathways, multi-disciplinary plans of care for patients with a particular diagnosis, are not only for members of the medical team. Simple versions of these pathways, written in lay language, help empower patients and their families, and also initiate involvement in the management of their care.
Health care costs reduced $176 for every employee a savings of $1.65 for every dollar spent on a comprehensive wellness program. These are the eye-catching numbers that occupational health professionals at Highmark Inc., a Pittsburgh-based health insurer, can point to.
Forty-one percent more sick days, 59% more short-term disability days, 39% more long-term disability days, 48% more workers' compensation days, and 6% lower annual productivity.
Pressure to vaccinate more health care workers against influenza will grow even more intense this year, as public health officials seek to reach the Healthy People 2010 goal of immunizing 60% of all health care workers.
"Everyone deserves a shot at fighting flu." The catchy slogan of the American Nurses Association (ANA) is an example of the marketing push for greater flu vaccination of health care workers. Everyone is stepping up their role to raise the influenza immunization rate.
When an obese patient who is fully dependent is admitted to your hospital, it doesn't matter how many health care workers try to work together to manually lift the patient. It cannot be done safely.
The future direction of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is once again in question as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Julie Gerberding, MD, MPH, declined to reappoint John Howard, MD, as director.