At Hudson Health Plan in Tarrytown, NY, case management assistants who handle non-clinical tasks that don't have to be done by a licensed professional are freeing up the nurse case managers for jobs that require their special clinical skills.
The award-winning medical and disability case management program developed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas has shown a significant impact in getting employees back to work in a timely manner.
The only way to help people with chronic illnesses manage their disease is to develop a care management protocol that extends through the entire disease process from the acute care episode to the community and back to the acute care facility, says Donna Zazworsky, RN, MS, CCM, FAAN, manager of network diabetes care, faith community nursing and telemedicine for Carondelet Health Network in Tucson, AZ.
What makes educational material a must-read? The key is to make documents easy to read and understand, says Doug Seubert, guideline editor in Quality Improvement and Care Management at Marshfield (WI) Clinic.
Employees rank time pressures, deadlines, office politics, and their bosses as the top stress-inducing factors at work, according to a new workplace wellness survey conducted by Eclipse gum and the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp).
The activities of state public health departments including disease tracking, cancer registries and death statistics can be a rich source of data for research.
Put any group of IRB administrators into the same room and soon you'll hear a discussion about how they have to deal with so many poorly-written protocols.
Clinical trial professionals and investigators should reconsider the inclusion/exclusion criteria and other factors to meet the needs of their study participants, an expert suggests.